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Three Bank Collapses in One Week?:
if you haven't been following american news three banks collapsed recently icluding the second and third biggest bank collapses in US history so that's pretty interesting. Imma just ramble about this because no on ein my life keeps track of the news and they don't really wanna talk about it but that's what random internet blogs are for I suppose. Pus if this does turn about to be the start of the next financial crisis (although I don't thik it will be) this will be fun to look back on. The first bank that collapsed was silvergate and that one collapsed becuase it lent money to crypto investors and companies and when the crypto market collapsed (and thak god it did I despise crypto) they lost a lot of money and had a bank run becuse people lost trust in it. Second up on the chopping block was Silicon Valley Bank which was the biggest of the 3 and this one is a bit more complicated. So from what I understant SVB invested heavily in treasuery bonds which are a very safe investment because as log as you hold onto them you are guarenteed to make a return however the US raised interest rates so the Treasurey bonds that SVB held lost a lot of value and now they had a lot of unrealised losses but this was fine cus they could jus hold onto them but then a credit rating company dropped them down a rank and the people who had money in the bank panicked ad withdrew so they had to sell their treasury bonds at a loss and thye ran out of money :(. signature bank (the third one) is basically the same as Silvergate so i aint gonna type it out. But yeah the US government is bailing out all the banks and goving everyone their money which I suppose is necessary but they would never do that if it was't all rich people who lost money :/.

So i just wanna ramble a little bit about my faborite scientific study DishBrain so basically dishbrain is a unch of neurons that scientists grew in a dish and they taught it to play pong that's the tldr version but what I personally find really interestig is how thye trained the brain. So like with like animal training the best way to do it is reward the dishbrain when it hits the ball in pong and punish it when it misses. But how do you reward and punish and bunch of neurons? well neurons seek to make their enviroment more predictable so when they hit the ball they get a nice predictable pulse across its input chip but when they miss the ball they get 4 seconds of random signals across the input chip. And with just that the Dishbrain was able to double it's rally length in only 15 minutes! if you want more detail the full study is here. I just find it really ineresting how some of the researchers think that this will reach general itelligence level befoer traditional AI definetly is a strange version of the future if that's true. (You may have noticed this is a different format than the other blog posts i like this better so this is how it'll be from now on)

October 7-10:
lil blog post about the most recent 4 day weekend and it was great :D except for the verystressful time Friday morning where I had to turn in a couple government homework sheets like an hour before grades were due which was not fun I will tell you. My end grade for the class that quarter ended up being a 90 tho with the homeworks so I can'r complain too much lol. I also got to work on my eye cardigan which I've been crocheting for a while now I have 5 squares that I sewed together (and it looks like it's gonna fit me properly! :D) and i have to make like 20 of em so it's gonna be a long way to go. I've also gotten the time to well work on this website so that's been very nice. Then yesterday I gt to hang out with one of my friends! Fae has a lot of work so it's a bit tricky to schedual hangouts but she had yesterday off. We made some friendship bracelets drank some sparkling grape juice and watched breaking bad. We then went to go get ice cream with my siblings and it was just a very lovely day.

September 8:
QUEEN IS DEAD LETS GOOOOO if you can tell i didn't like the queen although I don't live in the UK or the commonwealth countries soo i don't get to much of an opinion tbh. My great grandmother has officially outlived the queen (she's older by a couple months) so congrats to her! it was definetly an interesting vibed cus some people were joking about it and some people were actually quite upset. Yeah school has been a tad stressful and I'm very tired my sleep schedule hasn't quite adapted even after a couple of weeks but it's manegable for now. One of my friends birthday is coming up and I need to make a gift for him and I would usually crochet something but they crochet as well so I think I'm gonna make them some rainbow mushroom earings.