RIP gaslight gatekeeped and girlbossed to hard and got ceaseless watcher'd to death :,( you never did anything wrong except killing people and the afformentioned gaslighting gatekeeping and girlbossing

Helen was one of my favorite charcters from TMA i think her charcter arc, going from being a normal victim of Michael to killing him and becoming the new avatar of The Spiral with some guilt to ruthless killer and fully embodying the Spiral and I'm kinda sad we missed a good chunk of that while Jon was in a coma. Speaking of Jon I think the parallels built up between Jon and it were very interesting as while Jon was very reluctant in becoming a monster Helen embraced it.

A super cool animatic about Helen by Akidachi if you are a fan of TMA and haven't watched it go do it right now

I also think that it's very interesting that we never know if she's telling the truth because well the "the throat of delusion" or whatever they are refered to as isn't exactly trustworthy so you never know if she's actually guilty or if she's just faking it to get what ahe wants and we can even apply that to "helen" as a whole as far as we know it could be just the spiral pretending to be a person to gain sympathy.